(Updated: Nov 29th 2017)
1. Martin HL Jr, Jackson DJ, Mandaliya K, Bwayo J, Rakwar JP, Nyange P, Moses S, Ndinya-Achola JO, Holmes K, Plummer F, et al. Preparation for AIDS vaccine evaluation in Mombasa, Kenya: establishment of seronegative cohorts of commercial sex workers and trucking company employees. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1994;10 Suppl 2:S235-7.
2. Jackson DJ, Martin HL Jr, Bwayo JJ, Nyange PM, Rakwar JP, Kashonga F, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Kreiss JK. Acceptability of HIV vaccine trials in high-risk heterosexual cohorts in Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS 1995;9:1279-83.
3. Poss M, Martin HL, Kreiss JK, Granville L, Chohan B, Nyange P, Mandaliya K, Overbaugh J. Diversity in virus populations from genital secretions and peripheral blood from women recently infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Virol 1995;69:8118-22.
4. Martin Jr HL, Kreiss JK. Sexually transmitted disease epidemiology and the interaction between sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. Current Opinion in Infect Dis 1995,8:4-9.
5. Mostad SB, Kreiss JK. Shedding of HIV-1 in the genital tract. AIDS 1996;10:1305-15.
6. Jackson DJ, Rakwar JP, Chohan B, Mandaliya K, Bwayo JJ, Ndinya-Achola JO, Nagelkerke NJ, Kreiss JK, Moses S. Urethral infection in a workplace population of East African men: evaluation of strategies for screening and management. J Infect Dis 1997;175:833-8.
7. Poss M, Gosink J, Thomas E, Kreiss JK, Ndinya-Achola J, Mandaliya K, Bwayo J, Overbaugh J. Phylogenetic evaluation of Kenyan HIV type 1 isolates. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1997;13:493-9.
8. Rakwar J, Jackson D, Maclean I, Obongo T, Bwayo J, Smith H, Mandaliya K, Moses S, Ndinya-Achola J, Kreiss JK. Antibody to Haemophilus ducreyi among trucking company workers in Kenya. Sex Transm Dis 1997;24:267-71.
9. Martin HL Jr, Stevens CE, Richardson BA, Rugamba D, Nyange PM, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Kreiss JK. Safety of a nonoxynol-9 vaginal gel in Kenyan prostitutes. A randomized clinical trial. Sex Transm Dis 1997;24:279-83.
10. Jackson DJ, Rakwar JP, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Chohan BH, Bwayo JJ, Ndinya-Achola JO, Martin HL Jr, Moses S, Kreiss JK. Decreased incidence of sexually transmitted diseases among trucking company workers in Kenya: results of a behavioural risk-reduction programme. AIDS 1997;11:903-9.
11. Mostad SB, Overbaugh J, DeVange DM, Welch MJ, Chohan B, Mandaliya K, Nyange P, Martin HL Jr, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Hormonal contraception, vitamin A deficiency, and other risk factors for shedding of HIV-1 infected cells from the cervix and vagina. Lancet 1997;350:922-7.
12. Mostad SB, Jackson S, Overbaugh J, Reilly M, Chohan B, Mandaliya K, Nyange P, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Cervical and vaginal shedding of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected cells throughout the menstrual cycle. J Infect Dis 1998;178:983-91.
13. Richardson BA, Martin HL Jr, Stevens CE, Hillier SL, Mwatha AK, Chohan BH, Nyange PM, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Kreiss JK. Use of nonoxynol-9 and changes in vaginal lactobacilli. J Infect Dis 1998;178:441-5.
14. Mostad SB. Prevalence and correlates of HIV type 1 shedding in the female genital tract. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1998;14:S11-5.
15. Martin HL Jr, Nyange PM, Richardson BA, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Jackson DJ, Ndinya-Achola JO, Kreiss J. Hormonal contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, and risk of heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Infect Dis 1998;178:1053-9.
16. Poss M, Rodrigo AG, Gosink JJ, Learn GH, de Vange Panteleeff D, Martin HL Jr, Bwayo J, Kreiss JK, Overbaugh J. Evolution of envelope sequences from the genital tract and peripheral blood of women infected with clade A human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Virol 1998;72:8240-51.
17. Overbaugh J, Kreiss J, Poss M, Lewis P, Mostad S, John G, Nduati R, Mbori-Ngacha D, Martin H Jr, Richardson B, Jackson S, Neilson J, Long EM, Panteleeff D, Welch M, Rakwar J, Jackson D, Chohan B, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo J. Studies of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 mucosal viral shedding and transmission in Kenya. J Infect Dis 1999;179 Suppl 3:S401-4.
18. Rakwar J, Lavreys L, Thompson ML, Jackson D, Bwayo J, Hassanali S, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Kreiss J. Cofactors for the acquisition of HIV-1 among heterosexual men: prospective cohort study of trucking company workers in Kenya. AIDS 1999;13:607-14.
19. Lavreys L, Rakwar JP, Thompson ML, Jackson DJ, Mandaliya K, Chohan BH, Bwayo JJ, Ndinya-Achola JO, Kreiss JK. Effect of circumcision on incidence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and other sexually transmitted diseases: a prospective cohort study of trucking company employees in Kenya. J Infect Dis 1999;180:330-6.
20. Wang CC, Reilly M, Kreiss JK. Risk of HIV infection in oral contraceptive pill users: a meta-analysis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 1999;21:51-8.
21. Mostad SB, Kreiss JK, Ryncarz AJ, Overbaugh J, Mandaliya K, Chohan B, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo JJ, Corey L. Cervical shedding of cytomegalovirus in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected women. J Med Virol 1999;59:469-73. 22. Wang CC, Celum CL. Global risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Med Clin North Am 1999;83:975-95.
23. Martin HL, Richardson BA, Nyange PM, Lavreys L, Hillier SL, Chohan B, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo J, Kreiss J. Vaginal lactobacilli, microbial flora, and risk of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and sexually transmitted disease acquisition. J Infect Dis 1999;180:1863-8.
24. Poss M, Overbaugh J. Variants from the diverse virus population identified at seroconversion of a clade A human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected woman have distinct biological properties. J Virol 1999;73:5255-64.
25. Mostad SB, Kreiss JK, Ryncarz AJ, Mandaliya K, Chohan B, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo JJ, Corey L. Cervical shedding of herpes simplex virus in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women: effects of hormonal contraception, pregnancy, and vitamin A deficiency. J Infect Dis 2000;181:58-63.
26. Long EM, Martin HL Jr, Kreiss JK, Rainwater SM, Lavreys L, Jackson DJ, Rakwar J, Mandaliya K, Overbaugh J. Gender differences in HIV-1 diversity at time of infection. Nat Med 2000;6:71-5.
27. Lavreys L, Rakwar J, Thompson ML, Kreiss J. Reply. J Infect Dis 2000;181:1866-8.
28. Lavreys L, Thompson ML, Martin HL Jr, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss J. Primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection: clinical manifestations among women in Mombasa, Kenya. Clin Infect Dis 2000;30:486-90.
29. Mostad SB, Kreiss JK, Ryncarz A, Chohan B, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo JJ, Corey L. Cervical shedding of herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus throughout the menstrual cycle in women infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;183:948-55.
30. Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Martin HL Jr, Nyange PM, Lavreys L, Ngugi EN, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Trends in HIV-1 incidence in a cohort of prostitutes in Kenya: implications for HIV-1 vaccine efficacy trials. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2000;24:458-64.
31. Mcclelland RS, Wang CC, Mandaliya K, Overbaugh J, Reiner MT, Panteleeff DD, Lavreys L, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Treatment of cervicitis is associated with decreased cervical shedding of HIV-1. AIDS 2001;15:105-110.
32. Wang CC, McClelland RS, Reilly M, Overbaugh J, Emery SR, Mandaliya K, Chohan B, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo J, Kreiss JK. The effect of treatment of vaginal infections on shedding of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Infect Dis 2001;183:1017-22.
33. Chohan BH, Lavreys L, Mandaliya KN, Kreiss JK, Bwayo JJ, Ndinya-Achola JO, Martin HL Jr. Validation of a modified commercial enzyme-linked immunoassay for detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 immunoglobulin G antibodies in saliva. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2001;8:346-8.
34. Baeten JM, Mostad SB, Hughes MP, Overbaugh J, Bankson DD, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Selenium deficiency is associated with shedding of HIV-1-infected cells in the female genital tract. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2001;26:360-4.
35. Frick PA, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Kreiss JK. Impact of an alarm device on medication compliance in women in Mombasa, Kenya. Int J STD AIDS 2001;12:329-33.
36. Richardson BA, Lavreys L, Martin HL Jr, Stevens CE, Ngugi E, Mandaliya K, Bwayo J, Ndinya-Achola J, Kreiss JK. Evaluation of a low-dose nonoxynol-9 gel for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases: a randomized clinical trial. Sex Transm Dis 2001;28:394-400.
37. Baeten JM, Nyange PM, Richardson BA, Lavreys L, Chohan B, Martin HL Jr, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Hormonal contraception and risk of sexually transmitted disease acquisition: results from a prospective study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;185:380-5.
38. Baeten JM, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J, Richardson BA, Emery S, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Bankson DD, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Vitamin A supplementation and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 shedding in women: results of a randomized clinical trial. J Infect Dis 2002;185:1187-91.
39. Long EM, Rainwater SM, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Overbaugh J. HIV Type 1 Variants Transmitted to Women in Kenya Require the CCR5 Coreceptor for Entry, Regardless of the Genetic Complexity of the Infecting Virus. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2002;18:567-76.
40. Lavreys L, Baeten J, Overbaugh J, Pantelleef DD, Chohan B, Richardson B, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Kreiss J. Acute HIV-1 infection illness in Kenyan women is associated with higher viral loads. Clin Infect Dis 2002;35:77-81.
41. Baeten JM, Chohan, BH, Lavreys L, Rakwar JP, Ashley R, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Correlates of human herpesvirus 8 seropositivity among heterosexual men in Kenya. AIDS 2002;16:2073-8.
42. McClelland RS, Wang CC, Richardson BA, Corey L, Ashley RL, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. A prospective study of hormonal contraceptive use and cervical shedding of herpes simplex virus in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-seropositive women. J Infect Dis. 2002;185:1822-5.
43. Baeten JM, McClelland RS, Richardson BA, Bankson DD, Lavreys L, Wener MH, Overbaugh J, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Vitamin A deficiency and the acute phase response among HIV-1 infected and uninfected women in Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2002;31:243-249.
44. McClelland RS, Wang CC, Overbaugh J, Richardson BA, Corey, L, Ashley RL, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Association between cervical shedding of herpes simplex virus and HIV-1. AIDS 2002;16:2425-2430.
45. Richardson BA: Editorial: Nonoxynol-9 as a vaginal microbicide for prevention of sexually transmitted infections: It’s time to move on. JAMA 2002;287:1171-1172.
46. Lavreys L, Ashley R, Chohan B, Richardson BA, Corey L, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Kreiss JK. Human herpesvirus type 8: Seroprevalence and correlates in prostitutes in Mombasa, Kenya. J Infect Dis 2003;187:359-363;
47. Baeten JM, Overbaugh J. Measuring the infectiousness of persons with HIV-1: Opportunities for preventing sexual HIV-1 transmission. Current HIV Research 2003;1:69-86.
48. Richardson BA, Mbori-Ngacha D, Lavreys L, John-Stewart GC, Nduati R, Panteleeff DD, Emery S, Kreiss JK, Overbaugh J. Comparison of HIV-1 viral loads in Kenyan women, men, and infants during primary and early infection. J Virol 2003;77:7120-7123.
49. Sagar M, Lavreys L, Baeten J, Richardson B, Mandaliya K, Chohan B, Kreiss J, Overbaugh J. Infection with multiple HIV-1 variants is associated with faster disease progression. J Virol 2003;77:12921-6.
50. Painter SL, Biek R, Holley DC, Poss M. Envelope Variants from Women Recently Infected with Clade A Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Confer Distinct Phenotypes That Are Discerned by Competition and Neutralization Experiments. J Virol 2003;77:8448-61.
51. Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Bankson DD, Wener MH, Kreiss JK, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Bwayo JJ, McClelland RS. Use of serum retinol-binding protein for prediction of vitamin A deficiency: effects of HIV-1 infection, protein malnutrition, and the acute phase response. Am J Clin Nutrit 2004;79:218-25.
52. Wang CC, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J, Reilly M, DeVange Panteleeff D, Mandaliya K, Chohan B, Lavreys L, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo J, Kreiss JK. The effect of hormonal contraception on genital tract shedding in human immunodeficiency virus type-1. AIDS 2004;18:205-9.
53. Lavreys L, Baeten JM, Kreiss JK, Richardson BA, Chohan BH, Hassan W, Panteleeff DD, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Overbaugh J. Injectable contraceptive use and genital ulcer disease during the early phase of HIV-1 infection increase plasma virus load in women. J Infect Dis 2004;189:303-11.
54. Sagar M, Lavreys L, Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Kreiss JK, Overbaugh J. Identification of modifiable factors that affect the genetic diversity of the transmitted HIV-1 population. AIDS 2004;18:615-19.
55. Lavreys L, Baeten J, Martin H Jr. Kreiss J, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Overbaugh J. Hormonal contraception and risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 acquisition: Results from 10 years of follow-up in a prospective study from Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS 2004;18:695-97.
56. Chohan B, Taylor H, Obrigewitch R, Lavreys L, Richardson B, Mandaliya K, Bwayo J, Kreiss J, Ashley Morrow R. Human herpesvirus 8 seroconversion in Kenyan women by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunofluorescence assay. J Clin Virol 2004;30:137-44.
57. Baeten JM, McClelland RS, Corey L, Overbaugh J, Lavreys L, Richardson BA, Wald A, Mandaliya K, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Vitamin A supplementation and genital shedding of herpes simplex virus among human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infected women: a randomized clinical trial. J Infect Dis 2004;189:1466-71.
58. Taylor MM, Chohan B, Lavreys L, Hassan W, Huang M, Corey L, Ashley R, Richardson B, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Bwayo J, Kreiss JK. Shedding of human herpesvirus-8 in oral and genital secretions from HIV-1 seropositive and seronegative women. J Infect Dis 2004;190:484-8.
59. Benki S, Mostad SM, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Kreiss JK, Overbaugh J. Cyclic shedding of HIV-1 RNA in cervical secretions during the menstrual cycle. J Infect Dis. 2004;189:2192-201.
60. Sagar M, Kirkegaard E, Long EM, Celum C, Buchbinder S, Daar ES, Overbaugh J. HIV-1 diversity at the time of infection is not restricted to certain risk groups or specific HIV-1 subtypes. J Virol 2004;78:7279-83.
61. McClelland RS, Baeten JM, Overbaugh J, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Emery S, Lavreys L, Ndinya-Achola JO, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Micronutrient supplementation increases genital tract shedding of HIV-1 in women: results of a randomized trial. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2004;37:1657-1663.
62. McClelland RS, Coombs RW. Sex and gender-specific issues in HIV pathogenesis. In: Hammer SM, ed., section 10, Infectious diseases, in: Legato MJ ed. Principles of gender-specific medicine, vol. 2. New York: Elsevier Academic Press, 2004:923-30.
63. Lavreys L, Chohan V, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J, Kreiss JK, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Baeten JM. Hormonal contraception and risk of cervical infections among HIV-1 seropositive women in Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS 2004;18:2179-2184.
64. Poss M, Holley DC, Biek R, Cox H, Gerdes J. Development of a homology model for clade A human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120 to localize temporal substitutions arising in recently infected women. J Gen Virol 2004;85:1479–84.
65. McClelland RS, Lavreys L, Katingima C, Overbaugh O, Chohan V, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Baeten JM. Contribution of HIV-1 Infection to STD Acquisition: A Ten-Year Prospective Study. J Infect Dis 2005;191:333-8.
66. Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Lavreys L, Rakwar JP, Mandaliya K, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Female-to-male infectivity of HIV-1 among circumcised and uncircumcised Kenyan men. J Infect Dis 2005;191:546-53.
67. Chohan B, Lang D, Sagar M, Korber B, Lavreys L, Richardson B, Overbaugh J. Selection for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycosylation variants with shorter V1-V2 loop sequences occurs during transmission of certain genetic subtypes and may impact viral RNA levels. J Virol 2005;79:6528-31.
68. McClelland RS. Effect of exogenous hormones. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2005;38(Suppl 1):S38-39.
69. Martin HL, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Achola JO, Overbaugh J, Kreiss JK. The early work on hormonal contraceptive use and HIV acquisition. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2005;38(Suppl 1):S12-14.
70. Baeten JM, Lavreys L, Sagar M, Kreiss JK, Richardson BA, Chohan B, Panteleeff D, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Overbaugh J. Effect of contraceptive methods on natural history of HIV: Studies from the Mombasa Cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2005;38(Suppl 1):S18-20.
71. Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Lavreys L, Rakwar JP, Kreiss JK. Reply. J Infect Dis 2005;191:2155-6.
72. Chohan B, Lavreys L, Rainwater SMJ, Overbaugh J. Evidence for frequent re-infection with HIV-1 of a different subtype. J Virol 2005;79:10701-8.
73. Rainwater S, DeVange S, Sagar M, Ndinya-Achola J, Mandaliya K, Kreiss JK, Overbaugh J. No evidence for rapid subtype C spread within an epidemic in which multiple subtypes and intersubtype recombinants circulate. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2005;21:1060-5.
74. Benki S, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Risk factors for human immuno deficiency virus type-1 acquisition in women in Africa. J Neurovirol 2005;11(Suppl 1):58-65.
75. McClelland RS, Lavreys L, Hassan WM, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Baeten JM. Vaginal washing and increased risk of HIV-1 acquisition among African women: a 10-year prospective study. AIDS 2006;20:269-73.
76. McClelland RS, Baeten JM. Reducing HIV-1 transmission through prevention strategies targeting HIV-1-seropositive individuals. J Antimicrob Chemother 2006;57:163-6.
77. Lavreys L, Baeten JM, Chohan V, McClelland RS, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Overbaugh J. Higher set point plasma viral load and more severe acute HIV-1 illness predict mortality among high-risk HIV-1 infected African women. Clin Inf Dis 2006;42:1333-9.
78. McClelland RS, Ndinya-Achola JO, Baeten JM. Reply to: Is vaginal washing associated with increased risk of HIV-1 acquisition? AIDS 2006;20:1348-1349.
79. McClelland RS, Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Lavreys L, Emery S, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Overbaugh J. A comparison of genital HIV-1 shedding and sexual risk behavior among Kenyan women based on eligibility for initiation of HAART according to WHO guidelines. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2006;41:611-5.
80. Baeten JM, Wener MH, Bankson DD, Lavreys L, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Bwayo JJ, McClelland RS. Effects of HIV-1 infection and the acute phase response on the retinol-binding protein: transthyretin ratio. J Nutr 2006;136:1624-9.
81. Lavreys L, Baeten JM, Chohan V, McClelland RS, Hassan WM, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Overbaugh J. Higher set point viral load, and more-severe acute HIV type 1 (HIV-1) illness predict mortality among high-risk HIV-1-infected African women. Clin Infect Dis. 42(9): 1333-1339, 2006.
82. Drain P, Baeten JM, Overbaugh J, Wener M, Bankson DD, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, McClelland RS. Low serum albumin and the acute phase response predict low serum selenium in HIV-1 infected women. BMC Infectious Diseases 2006;6:85.
83. Sagar M, Kirkegaard E, Lavreys L, Overbaugh J. Diversity in HIV-1 Envelope V1-V3 Sequences Early in Infection Reflects Sequence Diversity Throughout the HIV-1 Genome But Does Not Predict the Extent of Sequence Diversity During Chronic Infection. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2006;22:430-7.
84. McClelland RS, Hassan WM, Lavreys L, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Jaoko W, Kurth AE, Baeten JM. HIV-1 acquisition and disease progression are associated with decreased high-risk sexual behaviour among Kenyan female sex workers. AIDS 2006;20:1969-73.
85. Lavreys L, Baeten JM, Panteleeff D, Richardson BA, McClelland RS, Chohan V, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola J, Overbaugh J. High levels of cervical HIV-1 RNA during early HIV-1 infection. AIDS 2006;20:2389-90.
86. Benki S, McClelland RS, Emery S, Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Overbaugh J. Quantification of genital HIV-1 DNA in women with low plasma HIV-1 RNA levels typical of HIV-1 non-transmitters. J Clin Microbiol 2006;44:4357-62.
87. Sagar M, Wu X, Lee S, Overbaugh J. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 V1-V2 envelope loop sequences expand and add glycosylation sites over the course of infection, and these modifications affect antibody neutralization sensitivity. J Virol 2006;80:9586–98.
88. Hassan WM, Lavreys L, Chohan V, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Kiarie J, Jaoko W, Holmes KK, McClelland RS. Associations between intravaginal practices and bacterial vaginosis in Kenyan female sex workers without symptoms of vaginal infections. Sex Transm Dis 2007;34:384-8.
89. McClelland RS, Sangaré L, Hassan WM, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Kiarie J, Ndinya-Achola J, Jaoko W, Baeten JM. Infection with Trichomonas vaginalis increases the risk for HIV-1 acquisition. J Infect Dis 2007;195:698-702.
90. Graham SM, Holte SE, Peshu NM, Richardson BA, Panteleeff DD, Jaoko WG, Ndinya-Achola JO, Mandaliya KN, Overbaugh JM, McClelland RS. Initiation of antiretroviral therapy leads to a rapid decline in cervical and vaginal HIV-1 shedding. AIDS 2007;21:501-7.
91. Baeten JM, Chohan B, Lavreys L, Chohan V, McClelland RS, Certain L, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, Overbaugh J. HIV-1 subtype D infection is associated with faster disease progression compared with subtype A in spite of similar HIV-1 plasma viral loads. J Infect Dis 2007;195:1177-80.
92. McClelland RS, Ndinya-Achola JO, Baeten JM. Re: “Distinguishing the temporal association between women’s intravaginal practices and risk of human immunodeficiency virus infection: a prospective study of South African women” (Letter to the Editor). Am J Epidemiol 2007;165:474-5.
93. Baeten JM, McClelland RS, Wener MH, Bankson DD, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Bwayo JJ, Kreiss JK. Relationship between markers of HIV-1 disease progression and serum β-carotene concentrations in Kenyan women. Int J STD AIDS 2007;18:202-6.
94. Blish CA, Nedellec R, Mandaliya K, Mosierc DE, Overbaugh J. HIV-1 subtype A envelope variants from early in infection have variable sensitivity to neutralization and to inhibitors of viral entry. AIDS 2007;21:693-702.
95. Baeten JM, Lavreys L, Overbaugh J. The influence of hormonal contraception use on HIV-1 transmission and disease progression. Clin Infect Dis 2007;45:360-9.
96. Baeten JM, Benki B, Chohan V, Lavreys L, McClelland RS, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Jaoko W, Overbaugh J. Hormonal contraceptive use, herpes simplex virus infection, and risk of HIV-1 acquisition among Kenyan women. AIDS 2007;21:1771-1777.
97. Graham SM, Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Wener MH, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. A decrease in albumin with HIV- seroconversion predicts subsequent disease progression. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2007;23:1197-1200.
98. Geibel S, van der Elst EM, King’ola N, et al. ‘Are you on the market?’ a capture–recapture enumeration of men who sell sex to men in and around Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS 2007;21:1349–54.
99. Graham SM, Baeten JM, Richardson B, Bankson DD, Lavreys L, Ndinya-Achola JO, Mandaliya K, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. Higher pre-infection vitamin E levels are associated with higher mortality in HIV-1 infected Kenyan women: a prospective study. BMC Infect Dis 2007;7:63.
100. Sanders EJ, Graham SM, Okuku HS, van der Elst EM, Muhaari A, Davies A, Peshu N, Price M, McClelland RS, Smith AD. HIV-1 infection in high risk men who have sex with men in Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS 2007;21:2513-20.
101. Piantadosi A, Chohan B, Chohan V, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Chronic HIV infection frequently fails to protect against superinfection. PLoS Pathogens 2007;3:e117. PMCID: PMC2077901.
102. Voronin Y, Chohan B, Emerman M, Overbaugh J. Primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 are usually dominated by the major variants found in blood. J Virol 2007;81:10232-41. PMCID: PMC204567.
103. McClelland RS. Trichomonas vaginalis: Can we afford to do nothing? J Infect Dis 2008;197:487-9.
104. Manhart LE, Mostad SB, Baeten JM, Astete SG, Mandaliya K, Totten, PA. High Mycoplasma genitalium organism burden is associated with shedding of HIV-1 DNA from cervix. J Infect Dis 2008;197:733-6.
105. McClelland RS, Richardson BA, Hassan WM, Chohan V, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Kiarie J, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola JO, Baeten JM, Kurth AE, Holmes KK. Improvement of vaginal health for Kenyan women at risk for acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1: Results of a randomized trial. J Infect Dis 2008;197:1361-8. PMCID: PMC4122228.
106. McClelland RS, Richardson BA, Graham SM, Masese LN, Gitau R, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, Baeten JM, Ndinya-Achola JO. A prospective study of risk factors for bacterial vaginosis in African women. Sex Transm Dis 2008;35(6):617-23. PMCID: PMC3902781.
107. Benki S, Mostad S, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Kreiss J, Overbaugh J. Increased levels of HIV-1 infected cells in endocervical secretions after the luteinizing hormone surge. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2008;47:529-534. PMCID: PMC3412868.
108. Grisjen ML, Graham SM, Mwangome M, Githua P, Mutimba s, Wamuyu L, Okuku H, Price MA, McClelland RS, Smith AD, Sanders EJ. Screening for genital and anorectal sexually transmitted infections in HIV prevention trials in Africa. Sex Trans Infect 2008;84:364-70.PMCID: PMC3895478.
109. Kraft Z, Stouss K, Sutton WF, Cleveland B, Tso FY, Polacino P, Overbaugh J, Hu SL, Stamatatos L. Characterization of neutralizing antibody responses elicited by clade A envelope immunogens derived from early transmitted viruses. J Virol 2008;82:5912-5921. PMCID: PMC2395128.
110. Blish CA, Nguyen M-A, Overbaugh J. Enhancing exposure of HIV-1 neutralization epitopes through mutations in gp41. PLoS Med 2008;5:e9. PMCID: PMC2174964.
111. Piantadosi A, Ngayo MO, Overbaugh J. Examination of a second region of the HIV-1 genome reveals additional cases of superinfection. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2008;24:1221. PMCID: PMC2743231.
112. Blish C, Dogan O, Derby N, Nguyen MA, Chohan B, Richardson BA, Overbaugh J. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 superinfection occurs despite relatively robust neutralizing antibody responses. J Virol 2008;82:12094-103. PMCID: PMC2593335.
113. McClelland RS, Richardson BA, Hassan WM, Graham SM, Kiarie J, Baeten JM, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola JO, Holmes KK. A prospective study of vaginal bacterial flora and other risk factors for vulvovaginal candidiasis. J Infect Dis 2009;199:1883-90. PMCID: PMC2743896.
114. Piantadosi A, Chohan B, Panteleeff D, Baeten JM, Mandaliya KN, Ndinya-Achola JO, Overbaugh J. HIV-1 evolution in gag and env is highly correlated but exhibits different relationships with viral load and the immune response. AIDS 2009;23:579-87. PMCID: PMC2727980.
115. Baeten JM, Hassan WM, Chohan V, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Prospective study of correlates of vaginal Lactobacillus colonization among high-risk HIV-1 seronegative women. Sex Trans Infect. 2009;85:348-353. PMCID: PMC2837477.
116. Van der Elst EM, Okuku HS, Nyakyama P, Muhaari A, Davis A, McClelland RS, Price MA, Smith AD, Graham SM, Sanders EJ. Is audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI) useful in risk behaviour assessment of female and male sex workers, Mombasa, Kenya? PloS One 2009;4:e5340. PMCID: PMC2671594.
117. Graham SM, Masese L, Gitau R, Mwakangalu D, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola J, Mandaliya K, Peshu N, Baeten JM, McClelland RS. Increased risk of genital ulcer disease in women during the first month after initiating antiretroviral therapy. J Acquir Immun Defic Syndr 2009;52:600-3. PMCID: PMC2787852.
118. Chohan V, Baeten JM, Benki S, Graham SM, Lavreys L, Mandaliya K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Jaoko W, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. A Prospective study of risk factors for herpes simplex virus type 2 acquisition among high-risk HIV-1 seronegative women in Kenya. Sex Trans Infect 2009;85:489-92. PMCID: PMC2813217.
119. McClelland RS. Public health aspects of HIV/AIDS in low and middle income countries: Epidemiology, prevention and care. JAMA 2009;302:574-575.
120. Piantadosi A, Humes D, Chohan B, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Analysis of the percentage of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 sequences that are hypermutated and markers of disease progression in a longitudinal cohort, including one individual with a partially defective Vif. J Virol 2009;7805-7814. PMCID: PMC2715790.
121. Piantadosi A, Panteleeff D, Blish CA, Baeten JM, Jaoko W, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Breadth of neutralizing antibody response to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is affected by factors early in infection, but does not influence disease progression. J Virol 2009;83:10269-74. PMCID: PMC2748011.
122. Graham SM, Shah PS, Costa-von Aesh Z, Beyene J,Bayoumi AM. A systematic review of the quality of trials evaluating biomedical HIV prevention interventions shows that many lack power. HIV Clin Trials 2009;10:413-431. PMCID: PMC3086665.
123. Blish CA, Jalian-Lechak Z, Rainwater R, Nguyuen MA, Dogan OC, Overbaugh J. Cross-subtype neutralization sensitivity despite monoclonal antibody resistance among early subtypes A, C, and D HIV-1 envelope variants. J Virol 2009;83:7805-14. PMCID: PMC2708608.
124. Nedellec R, Coetzer M, Shimizu N, Hoshino H, Polonis VR, Morris L, Martensson UEA, Binley J, Overbaugh J, Mosier DE. Virus entry via the alternative coreceptors CCR3 and FPRL1 differs by Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 subtype. J Virol 2009;83:8353-63. PMCID: PMC2738165.
125. McClelland RS, Graham SM, Richardson BA, Peshu N, Masese LN, Wanje GH, Mandaliya KN, Kurth AE, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola JO. Treatment with antiretroviral therapy is not associated with increased sexual risk behaviour in Kenyan female sex workers. AIDS 2010;24:891-7. PMCID: PMC2853894.
126. Tovanabutra S, Sanders EJ, Graham SM, Mwangome M, Peshu N, McClelland RS, Muhaari A, Crossler J, Price MA, Gilmour J, Michael NL, McCutchan FM. Evaluation of HIV type 1 strains in men having sex with men and in female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2010;26:123-131.
127. Bosch KA, Rainwater R, Jaoko W, Overbaugh J. Temporal Analysis of HIV envelope sequence evolution and antibody escape in a subtype A-infected individual with a broad neutralizing antibody response. J Virol 2010: 398:115-124. PMCID: PMC2823950.
128. Blish CA, Sather DN, Sellhorn G, Stamatatos L, Sun Y, Srivastava I, Barnett SW, Clevland B, Overbaugh J, Hu SL. Subtype A HIV-1 envelope immunogens that expose conserved epitopes fail to generate neutralizing antibody breadth. J Virol 2010; 84:2573-84. PMCID: PMC2820908.
129. Graham SM, Masese L,Gitau R, Jalalian-Lechak Z, Richardson BA, Peshu N, Mandaliya K, Kiarie JN, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola J, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. Antiretroviral adherence and development of drug resistance are the strongest predictors of genital HIV-1 shedding among women initiating treatment. J Infect Dis 2010;202:1538-1542. PMCID: PMC2957525.
130. Sanders EJ,Thiong’o AN, Okuku HS, Mwambi J, Priddy f, Shafi J, de Vries H, McClelland RS, Graham SM. High prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections among HIV-1 negative men who have sex with men in coastal Kenya. Sex Trans Infect 2010;86:440-1.
131. Gitau RW, Graham SM, Masese LN, Overbaugh J, Chohan V, Peshu N, Richardson BA, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola JO, McClelland RS. Effect of acquisition and treatment of cervical infections on HIV-1 shedding in women on antiretroviral therapy. AIDS 2010; 24:2733-2737. PMCID: PMC2978313
132. Robinson E, Kur LW, Ndyaba A, Lado M, Shafi J, Kabare E, McClelland RS, Kolaczinski JH. Trachoma rapid assessments in Unity and Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal States, Southern Sudan. PLoS ONE 2010;5 pii e13130. PMCID: PMC2948518.
133. Graham SM, Masese LN, Gitau R, Peshu N, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola JO, Mandaliya K, Richardson BA, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. Genital ulceration does not increase HIV-1 shedding in cervical or vaginal secretions of women taking antiretroviral therapy. Sex Trans Infect 2010; 87(2):114-7. PMCID: PMC3081651.
134. McClelland RS, Richardson BA, Wanje GH, Graham SM, Mutunga e, Peshu N, Kiarie JN, Kurth AE, Jaoko W. Association between participant self-report and biological outcomes used to measure sexual risk behavior in HIV-1-seropositive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. Sex Trans Dis 2011;38(5):429-433. PMCID: PMC3155001.
135. Graham SM, Kreiger JN, Githua PL, Wamuyu LW, Wale S, Ramko KM, Dragavon J, Muller CH, Holte SE, Mandaliya KN, McClelland RS, Peshu NM, Sanders EJ, Coombs RW. Post-prostatic massage fluid/urine as an alternative to semen for studying male genitourinary HIV-shedding. Sex Trans Infect 2011;87:232-237. PMCID: PMC3075574.
136. Duncan S, Thiong’o AN, Macharia M, Wamuyu L, Mwarumbe S, Mvera B, Smith AD, Morpeth s, Graham SM, Sanders EJ. High prevalence of quinolone resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae in coastal Kenya. Sex Trans Infect 2011;87(3):231.
137. Balkus JE, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Kiarie J, Jaoko W, Marrazzo J, Farquhar C, McClelland RS. Establishing and sustaining a healthy environment: analysis of data from a randomized trial of periodic presumptive treatment for vaginal infections. J Infect Dis. 2011;204(2):323-6. PMCID: PMC3114467.
138. Low N, Cheisich MF, Schmidlin K, Egger m, Francis SC, vande Wijgert JHHM, Hayes RJ, Baeten JM, Brown J, Delany-Moretkwe, Kaul R, McGarth N, Morrison C, Myer L, Temmerman M, vander Straten A, Watson-Jones D, Zwahlen M, Hilber AM. Intravaginal practices, Bacterial Vaginosis and HIV infection in women: Individual participant data meta-analysis. PLoS Medicine 2011;e1000416. PMCID: PMC3039685.
139. Sanders EJ, Wahome E, Mwangome M, Thiong’o AN, Okuku HS, Price MA, Wamuyu L, Macharia M, McClelland RS, Graham SM. Most adults seek urgent healthcare when acquiring HIV-1 and are frequently treated for malaria in coastal Kenya. AIDS. 2011;25(9):1219-24.
140. Kurth AE, McClelland L, Wanje G,Ghee AE, Peshu N, Mutunga E, Jaoko W, Storwick M, Holmes KK, McClelland S. An integrated approach for antiretroviral adherence and secondary HIV transmission risk-reduction support by nurses in Kenya. JANAC. 2011. PMCID: PMC4018811.
141.Okuku HS, Sanders EJ, Nyiro J, Ngetsa C, Ohuma E, McClelland RS, Price MA, Graham SM. Factors associated with Herpes simplex virus type 2 incidence in a cohort of human immnunodeficiency virus type 1-seronegative Kenyan men and women reporting high-risk sexual behavior. Sex Trans Dis 2011; 38(5):837-844. PMCID: PMC3157056.
142. Masese LN, Graham SM, Gitau R, Peshu N, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola JO, Mandaliya K, Richardson BA, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. A prospective study of Trichomoniasis and HIV-1 shedding in women on antiretroviral therapy. BMC Infect Dis 2011; 11(1):307. PMCID: PMC3231993.
143. McClelland L, Wanje G, Kashonga F, Kibe L, McClelland RS, Kiarie j, Mandaliya K, Peshu N, Holmes K, Kurth A. Understanding the context of risk behavior among HIV-negative female sex workers and male bar clients following antiretroviral therapy rollout in a population in Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS Edu & Prevention 2011; 23(4):299-312. PMCID: PMC3244816.
144. Bachmann LH, Hobbs MM, Sena AC, sobel JD, Schwebke JR, Krieger JN, McClelland RS, Workowski KA. Trichomonas vaginalis Genital infections: Progress and challenges. Clin Infect Dis 2011; 53(suppl3):S160-72. PMCID: PMC3897282.
145. Parekh BS, Hanson DL, Hargrove J, Branson B, Green T, Dobbs T, Constantine N, Overbaugh J, McDougal JS. Determination of mean recency period for estimation of HIV type 1 Incidence with the BED-capture EIA in persons infected with diverse subtypes. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 27(3): 265-273, 2011.
146. Blish C, Dogan O, Richardson B, Davis K, Jaoko w, Mandaliya K, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Cellular immune responses and susceptibility to HIV-1 superinfection: A case-control study. AIDS 2012;26(5):643-6. PMCID:PMC3511787.
147. Provine NM, Cortez V, Chohan V, Overbaugh J. The neutralization sensitivity of viruses representing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 variants of diverse subtypes from early in infection is dependent on producer cell, as well as characteristics of the specific antibody and envelope variant. Virology 427(1): 25-33, 2012.
148. Holte SE, Randolph TW, Ding J, Tien J, Baeten J, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Efficient use of longitudinal CD4 counts and viral load measures in survival analysis. Stat Med 2012; 31(19):2086-97. PMCID: PMC3641845.
149. Cortez V, Odem-Davis K, MCclelland RS, Jaoko W, Overbaugh JO. HIV-1 superinfection in women broadens and strengthens the neutralizing antibody response. In press: PLoS Pathog 2012; Mar;8(3)e1002611. PMCID: PMC3315492.
150. Balkus JE, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, Richardson BA, Masese L, Gitau R, Kiarie J, Marrazzo J, Farquhar C, McClelland RS. The posttrial effect of oral periodic presumptive treatment for vaginal infections on the incidence of bacterial vaginosis and lactobacillus colonization. Sex Trans Dis 2012; 39(5):361-5. PMCID: PMC3335440.
151. Graham SM, Jalalian-Lechak Z, Shafi J, Chohan V, Deya R W, Jaoko W, Mandaliya KN, Peshu NM, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. Antiretroviral treatment interruptions predict female genital shedding of genotypically resistant HIV-1 RNA. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2012; 60(5):511-8. PMCID: PMC3404237.
152. Blish CA, McClelland RS, Rischardson BA, Jaoko w, Mandaliya K, Baeten JM, Overbaugh J. Genital inflammation predicts HIV-1 shedding independent of plasma viral load and systemic inflammation. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2012; 61(4):436-40. PMCID: PMC3494808.
153. Humes D, Emery S, Laws E, Overbaugh J. A species-specific amino acid difference in the macaque CD4 receptor restricts replication by global circulating HIV-1 variants representing viruses from recent infection. J Virol. 86(23): 12472-12483, 2012.
154. Graham SM, Holte SE, Dravagon JA, Ramko KM, Mandaliya KN, McClelland RS, Peshu NM, Sanders EJ, Krieger JN, Coombs RW. HIV-1 RNA may decline more slowly in semen than in blood following initiation of Efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One 2012; 7(8):e43086. PMCID: PMC3418270.
155. Kavanaugh BE, Odem-Davis K, Jaoko W, Estambale B, Kiarie JN, Masese LN, Deya R, Manhart LE, Graham SM, McClelland RS. Prevalence and correlates of genital warts in Kenyan female sex workers. Sex Transm Dis 2012; 39(11):902-5. PMCID: PMC350616.
156. Goo L, Jalalian-Lechak Z, Richardson BA, Overbaugh J. A combination of broadly neutralizing HIV-1 monoclonal antibodies targeting distinct epitopes effectively neutralizes variants found in early infection. J Virol 2012 Oct; 86(19):10857-61. PMCID: PMC3457273.
157. Masese L, McClelland RS, Gitau R, Wanje G, Shafi J, Kashonga F, Ndinya-Achola JO, Lester R, Richardson BA, Kurth A. A pilot study of the feasibility of a vaginal washing cessation intervention among Kenyan female sex workers. Sex Trans Infect 2013 May;89(3):217-22.
158. Masese L, Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Deya R, Kabare E, Bukusi E, John-Stewart G, Jaoko w, McClelland RS. Incidence and correlates of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in a high-risk cohort of Kenyan women. Sex Transm Dis 2013. Mar 40(3):221-5. PMCID: PMC3831875.
159. Day SL, Odem-Davis K, Mandaliya KN, Jerome KR, Cook L, Masese LN, Scott J, Kim HN, Graham SM, McClelland RS. Prevalence, clinical and virological outcome of Hepatitis B cirus fo-infection in HIV-1 positive Kenyan women on antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One 2013;8(3):e59346. PMCID: PMC3601052.
160. Graham SM, Raboud J, McClelland RS, Jaoko W, Ndinya-Achola J, Mandaliya K, Overbaugh J, Bayoumi AM. Loss to follow-up as competing risk in an observational study of HIV-1 incidence. PLoS 2013;8(3):e59480. PMCID: PMC3595247.
161.Balkus JE, Richardson BA, Mochache V, Chohan V, Chang J, Masese L, Shafi J, Marrazo j, Farquhar C, McClelland RS. A prospective cohort study comparing the effect of single-dose 2g metronidazole on Trichomonas vaginalis infection in HIV-seropositive and HIV- seronegative women. Sex Trans Dis 2013. Jan 2013;40(6):499-505. PMCID: PMC3676301.
162. Forthal DN, Landucci G, Chohan B, Richardson BA, McClelland RS, Jaoko W, Blish C, Overbaugh J. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated virus inhibition (ADCVI) antibody activity does not correlate with risk of HIV-1 superinfection. J. Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2013 May;63(1):31-33. PMCID: PMC3625514.
163. Tsai AY, Dueger E, Macalino GE, Montano SM, Tlley DH, Mbuchi M, Wurapa EK, Saylors K, Duplesis CC, Puplampu N, Garges EC, McClelland RS, Sanchez JL. The U. S. military’s Neisseria gonorrhoeae reisistance surveillance initiatives in selected populations of five countries. MSMR 2013 Feb;20(2):25-7.
164. Graham SM, Rajwans N, Jaoko W, Estambale BBA, Mcclelland RS, Overbaugh J, Liles WC. Endothelial activation biomarkers increase after HIV-1 acquisition: plasma VCAM-1 predicts disease progression. AIDS 2013, 27;(11):1803-1813.PMCID: PMC3883757.
165. Graham SM, Rajwans N, Tapia KA, Jaoko W, Estambale BBA, Mcclelland RS, Overbaugh J, Liles WC. A prospective study of endothelial activation biomarkers, including plasma angiopoietin-1 and angiopoietin-2, in Kenyan women initiatiing antiretroviral therapy. BMC Infect Dis 2013 jun 4:13(1):263. PMCID: PMC 3679794.
166. Ronen K, McCoy CO, Matsen FA, Boyd DF, Emery S, Odem-Davis K, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, McClelland RS, Richardson BA, Overbaugh J. HIV-1 superinfection occurs less frequently than initial infection in a cohort of high-risk Kenyan women. PloS Pathog. 2013 Aug;9(8):e1003593. PMCID: PMC3757054.
167. Sanders EJ, Okuku HS, smith AD, Mwangome M, Wahome E, FeganG, Peshu N, vander Elst E, Price MA, McClelland RS, Graham SM. High HIV-1 incidence, correlates of HIV-1 acquistion, and high viral loads following seroconversion among MSM. AIDS. 2013;27:437-446. PMCID: 3929859.
168. Graham SM, Mugo P, Gichuru E, Thiong’o A, Macharia M, Okuku HS, van der Elst E,Price MA, Muraguri N, Sanders EJ. Adherence to antiretroviral therapy and clinical outcomes among young adults reporting high-risk sexual behavior, including men who have sex with men, in Coastal Kenya. AIDS Behav. 2013;17:1255-1265. PMCID: PMC3633780.
169. a href=”″>Mugo PM, Duncan S, Mwaniki SW, Thiong’o AN, Gichuru E, Okuku HS, van der Elst EM, Smith AD, Graham SM, Sanders EJ. Cross-sectional survey of treatment practices for urethritis at pharmacies, private clinics and government health facilities in coastal Kenya: many missed opportunities for HIV prevention. Sex Transm Infect. 2013;89(7):583-9. PMCID: 3812900.
170. Wahome E, Fegan G, Okuku HS, Mugo P, Price MA, Mwashigadi G, Thiong’o A, Graham SM, Sanders EJ. Evaluation of an empiric risk screening score to identify acute and early HIV-1 infection among MSM in Coastal Kenya. AIDS. 2013;27(13):2163-6. PMCID: PMC3748854.
171.Taegtmeyer M, Davies A, Mwangome M, van der Elst EM, Graham SM, Price MA, Sanders EJ. Challenges in providing counselling to MSM in highly stigmatized contexts: results of a qualitative study from Kenya. PLoS One. 2013;8:e64527. PMCID: PMC3676420.
172. Bezemer D, Faria NR, Hassan A, Hamers RL, Mutua G, Anzala O, Mandaliya K, Cane P, Berkley JA, Rinke de Wit TF, Wallis C, Graham SM, Price MA, Coutinho RA, Sanders EJ. HIV type 1 transmission networks among men having sex with men and heterosexuals in Kenya. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2014;30(2):118-26. PMCID: PMC39104840.
173. Van der Elst EM, Wahome E, Gichuru E, Muraguri N, Fegan G, Duby Z, Bekker L, Bender B, Graham SM, Smith AD, Operario D, Sanders EJ. Sensitivity training reduces homoprejudice and increases knowledge among Kenyan health care providers. J Int AIDS Soc. 2013;16Suppl3:18748. PMCID: PMC3852129.
174.Van der Elst EM, Gichuru E, Omar A, Duby Z, Midoun M, Shangani S, Graham S, Smith AD, Sanders EJ, Operario D. Experiences of Kenyan health care workers providing services to men who have sex with men: qualitative findings from a sensitivity training program. J Int AIDS Soc. 2013;16 suppl3:18741. PMCID: PMC3852126.
175. Van der Elst EM, smith AD, Gichuru E, Whaome E, Musyoki H, Muraguri N, Fegan G, Duby Z, Bekker LG, Bener B, Graham SM, Operario D, sanders EJ. Men who have sex with men sensitivity training reduces homoprejudice and increases knowledge among Kenyan healthcare providers in coastal Kenya. Jint AIDS Soc 2013; 16supple3:18748. PMCID: PMC3852129.
176. Wilson KS, Odem-Davis K, Shafi J, Kashonga F, Wanje G, Masese L, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Association between alcohol use and sexually transmitted infection incidence among Kenyan women engaged in transactional sex. AIDS Behav. 2013. Epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC4007393.
177. Masese L, Baeten JM, Richardson BA, Bukusi E, John-Stewart G, Jaoko W, Shafi J, Kiarie J, McClelland RS. Incident Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 infection increases the risk of subsequent episodes of bacterial vaginosis. J Infect Dis 2014 Apr,209(7):1023-7. PMCID: PMC3952675.
178. Sanders EJ, Wahome E, Okuku HS, Thiong’o AN, smith AD, Duncan S, Mwambi J, Shafi J, McClelland RS, Graham SM. Evaluation of WHO screening algorithm for the presumptive treatment of asymptomatic rectal gonorrhoea and chlamydia infections in at-risk MSM in Kenya. Sex Transm Infect 2013; 90(2):94-9. PMCID:3932748.
179. Lehman DA, Ronen K, Blish CA, Baeten JM, Jalalian-Lechak Z, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, Richardson BA, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J.Systemic cytokine levels show limited correlation with risk of HIV-1 acquisition.J. Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2014; 66(2):135-9. PMCID: PMC4020985.
180. Sanders EJ, Mugo P, Prins HA, Wahome E, Thiong’o AN, Mwashigadi G, van der Elst EM, Omar A, Smith AD, Graham SM. Acute HIV-1 infection is as common as malaria in young febrile adults seeking care in coastal Kenya. AIDS. 2014;28(9):1357-63. PMCID: PMC4032215.
181. Blish CA, Dogan OC, Jaoko W, McClelland RS, Mandaliya K, Odem-Davis K, Richardson BA, Overbaugh J. Association between cellular immune activation, target cell frequency, and risk of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 superinfection. J Virol. 2014;88(10):5849-9. PMCID: PMC4019101.
182. Cortez V, Odem-Davis K, Lehman D, Mabuka JM, Overbaugh J. Quotidian changes of genital tract cytokines in HIV-1 infected women during the menstrual cycle. Open Forum in Infectious Diseases, 2014.
183. Phipps W, Saracino M, Selke S, Huang ML, Jaoko W, Mandlaiya K, Wald A, Casper C, McClelland RS. Oral HHV-8 replication among women in Mombasa, Kenya. J Med Virol. 2014;86(10):1759-65. PMCID: PMC4289619.
184. Day S, Graham SM, Masese LN, Richardson BA, Kiarie JN, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, Chohan V, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. A prospective cohort study of the effect of Depot Medoxyprogeserone Acetate on detection of plasma and cervical HIV-2 in women initiating and continuing antiretroviral therapy. JAIDS. 2014 Aug;66(4):452-6. PMCID: PMC4419746.
185. Prins HA, Mugo P, Wahome E, Mwashigadi G, Thiong’o A, Smith A, Sanders EJ, Graham SM. Diagnosing acute and prevalent HIV-1 infection in young African adults seeking care for fever: a systematic review and audit of current practice. Int Health 2014 Apr 18;5(2):151-7. PMCID: PMC4049276.
186. Mochache V, McClelland RS, Balkus JE. Periodic presumptive treatment for women with prevalent vaginal infections: Secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial. Sex Trans Dis 2014;41(7):453. PMCID: PMC4425269
187. Graham SM, Rajwans N, Richardson BA, Jaoko W, McClelland RS, Overbaigh J, Liles WC. Elevation of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 levels, but not angiopoietin2, in the plasma of human immunodeficiency virus-infected African women with clinical Kaposis Sarcoma. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014 Oct1;91(4):705-8. PMCID: PMC4183391.
188. Ronen K, Richardson BA, Graham SM, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J.HIV-1 Superinfection is associated with an accelerated viral load increase but has a limited impact on disease progression. AIDS 2014 Sep24;28(15):2281-6. PMCID: PMC4503239.
189. Sivapalasingam S, McClelland RS, Ravel J, Ahmed A, Cleland CM, Gajer P, Mwamzaka M. Marshed F, Shafi J, Masese L, Fajans M, Anderson ME, Jaoko W, Kurth AE. An effective intervention to reduce intravaginal pracices among HIV-1 uninfected Kenyan women. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2014 Nov;30(11):1046-57. PMCID: PMC4208596.
190. Weis JF, McClelland RS, Jaoko W, Mandaliya KN, Overbaugh J, Graham SM. FcGamma receptors IIa and IIIa genetic polymorphism do not predict HIV-1 disease progression in Kenyan women. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2015 Mar;31(3):288-92. PMCID: PMC4348085.
191. Gichuru E, Sariola S, Van der Elst EM, Mugo P, Micheni M, Graham SM, Molyneux C, Sanders EJ. ‘Facing our fears”. Facilitated film viewings as a community engagement tool in research involving MSM in Kenya. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2014 Oct 30Suppl1:A123-3. PMCID:
192. Mugo PM, Prins H, Wahome E, Mwashigadi G, Thiong’o A, Gichuru E, Omar A, Graham SM, Sanders EJ. Engaging young adult clients of retail pharmacies for hIV-1 testing in Coastal Kenya. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2014 Oct 30 Suppl 1 A112. PMCID: PMC4440841.
193. Van der Elst EM, Kombo B, Gichuru E, Omar A, Musyoki H, Graham SM, Smith AD, Operario D, Sanders EJ. Skills training of Kenyan health care providers attending to men who have sex with men improved services to two years post training. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2014 Oct;30 Suppl1:A108. PMCID:
194. Graham SM, Raboud J, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, McClelland RS, Bayoumi AM. Changes in sexual risk behavior in the Mombasa cohort:1993-2007. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 21:9(11)e113453. PMCID:4240588.
195. Cortez V, Odem-Davis K, Lehman DA, Mabuka J, Overbaugh J. Quotidine changes of genital tract cytokines in human inmmunodeficiency virus-1 infected women during the menstrual cycle. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2014; 1(1):0fu002. PMCID: PMC4324201.
196. Mugo PM, Prins HA, Wahome EW, Mwashigadi GM, Thiong’o AN, Gichuru E, Omar A, Graham SM, Sanders EJ. Engaging young adult clients of community pharmacies for HIV screening in Coastal Kenya: a cross section study. Sex Transm Infect 2015: June 9;91(4):257-9. PMCID: PMC:4440841.
197. McClelland RS, Balkus JE, Lee J, Anzala Omu, Kimani J, Schwebke J, Bragg V, Lensing S, Kavak L. Randomized trial of periodic presumptive treatment with high-dose intravaginal Metronidazole and Miconazole to prevent vaginal infections in HIV-negative women. J Infect Dis 2015;211(12):1875-82. PMCID:PMC4836721.
198. Masese L, et al. Changes in the Contribution of Genital Tract Infections to HIV acquisition among Kenyan High-Risk Women from 1993 to 2012. AIDS 2015 June 1;29(9):1077-85. PMCID: PMC4576156.
199. Oluka MN, Okalebo FA, Guantai AN, McClelland RS, Graham SM. Cytochrome P450 2B6 genetic variants are associated with plasma nevirapine levels and clinical response in HIV-1 infected Kenyan women: a prospective cohort study. AIDS Res Ther. 2015 Apr15;12:10. PMCID: PMC4397818.
200. Cortez V, Wang B, Dingens A, Chen MM, Ronen J, Georgiev IS, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. The broad neutralizing antibody responses after HIV-1 Superinfection are not dominated by antibodies directed to epitopes common in single infection. PLoS Path 2015 Jul 9;11(7):e1004973. PMCID: PMC 4497680.
201. Williams KL, Cortez V, Dingens AS, Gach JS, Rainwater S, Weis JF, Chen X, Spearman P, Forthal DN and Overbaugh J. HIV-specific CD4-induced antibodies mediate broad and potent antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity activity and are commonly detected in plasma from HIV-infected humans. EBioMedicine 2, 1464-1477, 2015.
202. McClelland RS, Richardson BA, Cherutich P, Mandaliya K, John-Stewart G, Miregwa B, Odem-Davis K, Jaoko W, Kimanga D, Overbaugh J. A 15-year study of the impact of community antiretroviral therapy coverage on HIV incidence in Kenyan female sex workers. AIDS 2015Nov;29(17):2279-86. PMCID: PMC4640974
203. Dijkstra M, van der Elst EM, Micheni M, Gichuru E, Musyoki H, Duby Z, Lange JM, Graham SM, Sanders EJ. Emerging themes for sensitivity training modules of African healthcare workers attending to men who have sex with men: a systematic review. Int Health 2015 May; 7(3):151-62. PMCID: 4427535.
204. Neme S, Wahome E, Mwashigadi G, Thiong’o AN, Stekler JD, Wald A, Sanders EJ, Graham SM. Prevalence, incidence, and clearance of anogenital warts in Kenyan men reporting high-risk sexual behavior, including men who have sex with men. Open Forum Infect Dis.2015 May 12;2(2)ofv070. PMCID: PMC4473109.
205. Gorgos L, Sycuro LK, Srinivasan S, Fiedler TL, Morgon MT, Balkus JE, McClelland SR, Fredricks DN, Marrazzo JN. — Relationship of specific bacteria in the cervical and vaginal microbiotas with cervicitis. Sex Trans Dis 2015;42(9):475-81.PMCID: PMC459077.
206. Kinuthia J, Drake AL, Matemo D, Richardson BA, Zeh C, Osborn L, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS, John-Stewart G. HIV acquisition during pregnancy and postpartum is associated with genital infection s and partnership characteristics. AIDS 2015 Sep 24;29(15):2025-2033. PMCID: PMC4692052.
207. Roxby AC, Fredricks DN, Odem-Davis K, Asbjornsdottir K, Masese L, Fiedler TL, De Rosa S, Jaoko W, Kiarie JN, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. Changes in vaginal microbiota and immune mediators in HIV-1 seronegative Kenyan women initiating depot medroxyprogesterone acetate. JAIDS 2016 Apr 1;71(4):359-366. PMCID: PMC4770856.
208. Wilson KS, Deya R, Masese L, Simoni JM, Vander Stoep A, shafi j, Jaoko W, Hughes JP, Mcclelland RS. Prevalance and correlates of intimate partner violence in HIV-positive women engaged in transactional sex in Mombasa, Kenya. Int J STD AIDS 2016 Nov;27(13):1194-1203. PMCID: PMC4829471.
209. Sanders EJ, Wahome E, Powers KA,werner L, Fegan G, Lavreys L, Mapanje C, McClelland RS, Garrett N,Miller WC, Graham SM. Targeted screening of at-risk adults for acute HIV-1 infection in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS 2015 Dec:29 Suppl 3:S221-S230. PMCID: PMC4714928.
210.Bender Ignacio RA, Goldman JD, Magaret AS, Selke S, Huang ML, Gantt S, Johnston C, Phipps WT, Schiffer JT, Zuckerman RA, McClelland RS, Celum C, Corey L, Wald A, Casper C. Patterns of human herpesvirus-8 oral shedding among diverse cohorts of human herpesvirus-8 seropositive persons. Infect Agent Cancer. 2016;11:7. Free PMC article. PMCID: PMC4748452.
211. Balkus JE, Manhart LE, lee J, Anzala O, Kimani J, Scwebke J, Shafi J, Rivers C, Kabare E, McClelland RS. Periodic presumptive treatment for vaginal infections may reduce the incidence of bacterial sexually transmitted infections. JID. 2016 jun15;213(12):1932-7. PMCID:PMC4878720.
212. Graham SM, Chohan V, Ronen K, Deya RW, Masese LN, Mandaliya KN, Peshu NM, Lehman DA, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Genital shedding of resistant human immunodeficiency virus-1 among women diagnosed with treatment failure by clinical and immunologic monitoring. Open Forum Infect Dis 2016 Feb2;3(1). PMCID: PMC4784013.
213. Wilson KS, Deya R, Yuhas K, Simoni J, Vander Stoep A, Shafi J, Jaoko W, Hughes JP, Richardson BA, McClelland RS. A prospective cohort study of intimate partner violence and unprotected sex in HIV-Positive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS Behav. 2016 Sep;20(9):2054-64. PMCID: PMC5605291.
214. Wilson KS, Wanje G, Yuhas K, Simoni JM, Masese L, Vander Stoep A, Jaoko W, Hughes JP, Richardson BA, McClelland RS. A prospective study of intimate partner violence as a risk factor for detectable plasma viral load in HIV-positive women engaged in transactional sex in Mombasa, Kenya. AIDS Behav. 2016 Sept;20(9): 2065-77. PMCID: PMC49996676.
215. Bradburn CK, Wanje G, Pfieffer j, Jaoko W, Kurth AE, McClelland RS. Risky business: condom failures as experienced by female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. Cult Health Sex. 2017 Mar 19(3):395-40. PMCID: PMC5590372.
216. White D, Wilson KS, Masese LN, Wanje G, Joko W, Mandaliya K, Richardson BA, Kinuthia J, Simoni JM, McClelland RS. Alcohol use and associations with biological markers and self-reported indicators of unprotected sex in human immunodeficiency virus-positive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. Sex Trans Dis. 2016 Oct;43(10):642-647. PMCID: PMC5026390.
217. Manguro GO, Masese LN, Deya RW, Magaret A, Wald A, McClelland RS, Graham SM. Genital HSV shedding among Kenyan women initiating antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One 2016 Sep 28;11(9):e0163541. PMCID: PMC5040248.
218. Balkus JE, Srinivasan S, Anzala O, Kimani J, Andac C, Schwebke J, Fredricks DN, McClelland RS. Impact of periodic presumptive treatment for bacterial vaginosis on the vaginal microbiome among women participating in the Prevention Vaginal Infectious trial. J. Infect Dis 2017 Mar1;215(5):723-731. PMCID:
219. Avuvika E, Masese LN, Wanje G, Wanyonyi J, Nyaribo B, Omoni G, Baghazal A, McClelland RS. Barriers and facilitators of screening for sexually transmitted infections in adolescent girls and young women in Mombasa, Kenya: A qualitative study. PloSOne 2017 Jan3;12(1):e0169388. PMCID: 5207488.
220. Goyette MS, Wilson Ks, Deya R, Masese LN, Shafi J, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Brief report: Association between menopause and unprotected sex in high-risk HIV-positive women in Mombasa, Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 apr15;74(5):488-492. PMCID: PMC5340629.
221. Ronen K, Dingens AS, Graham SM, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Comprehensive characterization of humoral correlates of Human Immunodeficiency virus 1 superinfection acquisition in high-risk Kenyan women. EBioMedicine. 2017 Apr 18;:216-224.PMCID: PMC5405187.
222. Doria-Rose NA, Altae-Tran HR, Roark RS, Schmidt SD, Sutton MS, Louder MK, Chuang GY, Bailer RT, Cortez V, Kong R, McKee K, O’Dell S, Wang F, Abdool Karim SS, Binley JM, Connors M, Haynes BF, Martin MA, Montefiori DC, Morris L, Overbaugh J, Kwong PD, Mascola JR, Georgiev IS. Mapping Polyclonal HIV-1 Antibody Responses via Next-Generation Neutralization Fingerprinting PLoS Pathog, 13(1):e1006148, 2017.
223. Lokken EM, Balkus JE, Kiarie J, Hughes JP, Jaoko W, Totten PA, McClelland RS, Manhart LE. Association of recent bacterial vaginosis with acquisition of Mycoplasma genitalium. Am J Epidemiol. 2017 Jul 15;186(2):194-201. PMCID:
224. Wanje G, Masese L, Avuvika E, Baghazal A, Omoni G, McClelland RS. Parents’ and teachers’ views on sexual health education and screening for sexually transmitted infections among in-school adolescent girls in Kenya: A qualitative study. Reprod Health. In press.Oct 2 2017.
225. LaCourse SM, Deya RW, Graham SM, Masese LN, Jaoko W, Mandaliya KN, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. Evaluation of the isoniazid preventative therapy care cascade among HIV-positive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. J.Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2017;76(1)74-81. PMCID: PMC5555166.
226. Masese LN, Wanje G, Kabare E, Budambula V, Mutuku f, Omoni G, Baghazal a, Richardson BA, McClelland RS. Screening for sexually transmitted infections in adolescent girls and young women in Mombasa: Feasibility, prevalence, and correlates. Sex Transm Dis. 2017 Dec;44(12):725-731. PMCID: PMC5685875.
227. Surie D, Yuhas K, Wilson K, Masese LN, Shafi J, Kinuthia J, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Association between non-barrier modern contraception use and condomless sex among HIV-positive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: A prospective cohort analysis. PLoS One 2017 Nov 27;12(11):e0187444. PMCID: PMC5703462.
228. McClelland RS, Lingappa JR, Srinivasan S, Kinuthia J, John-Stewart GC, Jaoko W, Richardson BA, Yuhas K, Fiedler TL, Mandaliya KN, Munch MM, Mugo NR, Cohen CR, Baeten JM, Celum C, Overbaugh J, Fredricks DN. Key vaginal bacteria associated with increased risk of HIV acquisition in African press Lancet ID Dec 2017.