The Women’s Health Project has produced 245 publications since 1993. Details of publications from 2017 up to 2019 are shown here.

(Updated: October 1st 2019)


  1. Balkus JE, Srinivasan S, Anzala O, Kimani J, Andac C, Schwebke J, Fredricks DN, McClelland RS. Impact of periodic presumptive treatment for bacterial vaginosis on the vaginal microbiome among women participating in the Prevention Vaginal Infectious trial. J. Infect Dis 2017 Mar1;215(5):723-731. PMCID:
  2. Avuvika E, Masese LN, Wanje G, Wanyonyi J, Nyaribo B, Omoni G, Baghazal A, McClelland RS. Barriers and facilitators of screening for sexually transmitted infections in adolescent girls and young women in Mombasa, Kenya: A qualitative study. PloSOne 2017 Jan3;12(1): e0169388. PMCID: 5207488.
  3. Goyette MS, Wilson Ks, Deya R, Masese LN, Shafi J, Richardson BA, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Brief report: Association between menopause and unprotected sex in high-risk HIV-positive women in Mombasa, Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 apr15;74(5):488-492. PMCID: PMC5340629.
  4. Ronen K, Dingens AS, Graham SM, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J. Comprehensive characterization of humoral correlates of Human Immunodeficiency virus 1 superinfection acquisition in high-risk Kenyan women. EBioMedicine. 2017 Apr 18; 216-224.PMCID: PMC5405187.
  5. Doria-Rose NA, Altae-Tran HR, Roark RS, Schmidt SD, Sutton MS, Louder MK, Chuang GY, Bailer RT, Cortez V, Kong R, McKee K, O’Dell S, Wang F, Abdool Karim SS, Binley JM, Connors M, Haynes BF, Martin MA, Montefiori DC, Morris L, Overbaugh J, Kwong PD, Mascola JR, Georgiev IS. Mapping Polyclonal HIV-1 Antibody Responses via Next-Generation Neutralization Fingerprinting PLoS Pathog, 13(1): e1006148, 2017.
  6. Lokken EM, Balkus JE, Kiarie J, Hughes JP, Jaoko W, Totten PA, McClelland RS, Manhart LE. Association of recent bacterial vaginosis with acquisition of Mycoplasma genitalium. Am J Epidemiol. 2017 Jul 15;186(2):194-201. PMCID:
  7. Wanje G, Masese L, Avuvika E, Baghazal A, Omoni G, McClelland RS. Parents’ and teachers’ views on sexual health education and screening for sexually transmitted infections among in-school adolescent girls in Kenya: A qualitative study. Reprod Health. 2017 Aug 14;14(1):95. PMID: 28806985
  8. LaCourse SM, Deya RW, Graham SM, Masese LN, Jaoko W, Mandaliya KN, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. Evaluation of the isoniazid preventative therapy care cascade among HIV-positive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. J.Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2017;76(1)74-81. PMCID: PMC5555166.
  9. Masese LN, Wanje G, Kabare E, Budambula V, Mutuku f, Omoni G, Baghazal a, Richardson BA, McClelland RS. Screening for sexually transmitted infections in adolescent girls and young women in Mombasa: Feasibility, prevalence, and correlates. Sex Transm Dis. 2017 Dec;44(12):725-731. PMCID: PMC5685875.
  10. Surie D, Yuhas K, Wilson K, Masese LN, Shafi J, Kinuthia J, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Association between non-barrier modern contraception use and condomless sex among HIV-positive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: A prospective cohort analysis. PLoS One 2017 Nov 27;12(11): e0187444. PMCID: PMC5703462.


  1. McClelland RS, Lingappa JR, Srinivasan S, Kinuthia J, John-Stewart GC, Jaoko W, Richardson BA, Yuhas K, Fiedler TL, Mandaliya KN, Munch MM, Mugo NR, Cohen CR, Baeten JM, Celum C, Overbaugh J, Fredricks DN. Evaluation of the association between the concentrations of key vaginal bacteria and the increased risk of HIV-acquisition in African women from five cohorts: a nested case-control study. Lancet ID 2018 May;18(5):554-564. PMCID: PMC6445552.
  2. Eastment MC, McClelland RS. Vaginal microbiota and susceptibility to HIV. AIDS 2018 Mar 27;32(6):687-698. PMCID: PMC5957511.
  3. Balkus JE, Manhart LE, Jensen JS, Anzala O, Kimani J, Schwebke J, Shafi J, Rivers C, Kabare E, McClelland RS. Mycoplasma genitalium infection in Kenyan and US women. Sex. Trans Dis 2018 Aug;45(8):514-521.PMCID: PMC6043389.
  4. Wilson KS, Wanje G, Masese L, Simoni J, Shafi J, Adala L, Overbaugh J, Jaoko W, Richardson BA, McClelland RS. A prospective cohort study of fertility desire, unprotected sex, and detectable viral load in HIV-positive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018 Jul 1;78(3):276-282. PMCID: PMC5997523.
  5. Roberts ST, Flaherty BP, Deya R, Masese L, Ngina J, McClelland RS, Simoni J, Graham SM. Patterns of gender-based violence and associations with mental health and HIV risk behavior among female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya: A latent class analysis. AIDS Beha.2018 Oct;22(10):3273-3286. PMCID: PMC6146064.
  6. Heller M, Roberts ST, Masese L, Ngina J, Chohan N, Chohan V, Shafi J, McClelland RS, Brindle E, Graham SM. Gender-based violence, physiological stress, and inflammation: A Cross-sectional study. J Womens Health (Larchmet) 2018 Sep;27(90:1152-1161. PMCID: PMC6148727.
  7. Peebles K, McClelland RS, Overbaugh J, Richardson BA, Bosire R, Kiarie JN, Farquhar C, Guthrie BL. Higher Prevalence of Viral Control in HIV-1-Infected Women in Serodiscordant Relationships. Plos One, (Dec-2018). 13(12): e0208401.PMCID: PMC62181234.
  8. Lokken EM, Richardson BA, Kinuthia J, Mwinyikai K, Abdalla A, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, Shafi J, Scott McClelland R. A prospective cohort study of the association between body mass and incident bacterial vaginosis. Sex Trans Dis 2019 Jan; 46(1):31-36. PMCID: PMC6289672.
  9. Manguro GO, Masese LN, Mandaliya K, Graham SM, McClelland RS, Smith JS. Preference of specimen collection methods for human papillomavirus detection for cervical cancer screening: a cross-sectional study of high-risk women in Mombasa, Kenya. Reprod Health 2018 Dec 12;15(1):206. PMC ID: PMC6291975.


  11. Lokken EM, Manguro GO, Abdallah A, Ngacha C, Shafi J, Kiarie J, Jaoko W, Srinivasan S, Fiedler TL, Munch MM, Fredricks DN, Mcclelland RS, Balkus JE. Association between vaginal washing and detection of Lactobacillus by culture and quantitative PCR in HIV-seronegative Kenyan women: a cross-sectional analysis. Sex Trans Infect 2019 Jan 29. Epub ahead of print.
  12. Sabo MC, Balkus JE, Richardson BA, Srinivasan S, Kimani J, Anzala O, Schwebke J, Feidler TL, Fredricks DN, Mcclelland RS. Association between vaginal washing and vaginal bacterial concentrations. PLoS One. 2019 Jan 24;14(1): e0210825. PMCID: PMC6345501.
  13. Peebles K, Velloza J, Balkus JE, Scott McClelland R, Barnabas RV. High global burden and costs for bacterial vaginosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sex Transm Dis 2019 Jan 7. Epub ahead of print.
  14. Sabo MC, Richardson BA, Lavreys L, Martin HL Jr, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, Baeten JM, Overbaugh J, McClelland RS. Does bacterial vaginosis modify the effect of hormonal contraception on HIV seroconversion. AIDS 2019 June1,33(7):1225-1230. PMCID: PMC6501800.
  15. Long JE, Waruguru G, Yuhas K, Wilson KS, Masese LN, Wanje G, Kinuthia J, Jaoko W, Mandaliya KN, McClelland RS. Prevalence and predictors of unmet contraceptive need in HIV-positive female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya. PLoS One 2019 June 19;14(6): e0218291. PMCID: PMC6583985.
  16. Sabo MC, Lehman DA, Wang B, Richardson BA, Richardson BA, Srinivasan S, Osborn L, Matemo D, Kinuthia J, Fiedler TL, Munch MM, Drake AL, Fredrickson DN, Overbaugh J, John-Stewart G, McClelland RS, Graham SM. Associations between vaginal bacteria implicated in HIV acquisition risk and proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Sex Transm Infect. 2019 June 13. Epub ahead of print. PMCID:
  17. Jarrett OD, Srinivasan S, Richardson BA, Fiedler T, Wallis JM, Kinuthia J, Jaoko W, Mandaliya K, Fredricks DN, McClelland RS. Specific vaginal bacteria are associated with increased risk of Trichomonas vaginalis acquisition in women. J Infect Dis 2019 July 9. Epub ahead of print.
  18. Balkus JE, Carter KA, McClelland RS. Lessons from suppressive therapy and periodic treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Curr Infect Dis Rep 2019 Aug 31;21(10):34. Review. PMCID:
  19. Eastment MC, Wanje G, Richardson BA, Nassir F, Mwaringa E, Barnabas RV, Sherr K, Mandaliya K, Jaoko W, McClelland RS. Performance of family planning clinics in conducting recommended HIV counseling and testing in Mombasa County, Kenya: a cross-sectional study. PMCID: PMC6744633
  20. Wagner AD, Gimbel S, Asbjornsdottir KH, Cherutich P, Coutinho J, Crocker J, Cruz E, Cuembelo F, Cumbe V, Eastment M, Einberg J, Floriano F, Gaitho D, Guthrie BL, John-Stewart G, Kral AH, Lambdin BH, Liu S, Maina M, Manaca N, Matsuzaki M, Mattox L, Mburu N, McClelland RS, Micek MA, Mocumbi AO, Muanido A, Nduati R, Njuguna IN, Oluoch G, Oyiengo L, Ronen K, Soi C, Wagenaar BH, Wanje G, Wenger LD, Sherr K. Cascade analysis: an adaptable implementation strategy across HIV and non-HIV platforms. (Accepted at JAIDS)